It was a long time ago. I hosted a group meeting with 200 single men and women.
5 men and 5 women sat per table. Each participant rotated to the next table 4 times and met 20 people in total. This was like the original speed dating event. I noticed that one of the female participants looked unhappy the whole time.
She was unhappy because most men were interested in ladies with good looks and figures. Out of all 20 men, only 1 man who works for a mid-size firm asked her out. He wasn’t so popular amongst ladies either.
Perhaps because they shared a common affliction, the two developed a relationship and eventually got married. Turned out, this woman is the only daughter of a wealthy family who owns two 20-story buildings.
Sometimes a dream like a story happens in real life.
I recently consulted with the parents about their daughter’s marriage, and they asked me not to disclose about their wealthy financial situation. Their daughter without her family background has nothing really special. She is in her early 30s and graduated from a university in Seoul and worked at her parents’ company.
Her parents run a business that is well-known in Korea. They accomplished their wealth and success on their own without any help and now they own buildings in expensive areas like Gangnam and Jongno Seoul, Korea.
As promised, has excluded her parents’ financial situation from her profile and there hasn’t been any interest in this girl’s profile yet. CEO | WoongJin Lee
♥ Since 1991, ♥
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