Since 1991,
Remarriages are on the rise as divorces are on the rise. Remarriage is more difficult than first marriage since the experience from the previous marriage often gets in the way of getting into a new relationship.
There is another reason why remarriage is difficult. One thing you must absolutely avoid is comparing your current partner to your ex. In many cases, the person is unaware of this fact, however, I have seen many cases where relationships do not go well for this particular reason.
I know a guy who married a very good-looking lady. She took advantage of her beauty to the fullest. She was constantly courted by men before marriage and received many expensive gifts from them. So, she got used to receiving and started taking things for granted. This guy had to pay a lot to marry this woman. Of course, he had the financial power to do so, but after three years of marriage, the man gave up on her extravagance lifestyle. After getting divorced and living alone for about five years, the man decided to remarry.
After his divorce he told us “Pretty women are high maintenance” and guess what type of ladies he asked to find? Shockingly, he said “she has to be pretty and frugal” CEO | WoongJin Lee
♥ Since 1991, ♥
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