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[Marriage for Korean Singles] “Have we met somewhere?” Turned out I met her....

글쓴이: sunwoo  |  등록일: 01.16.2025 16:59:51  |  조회수: 351

Marriage for Korean Singles

​“I want to renew my membership. I think I will meet someone this time. This was the 6th time for this member to renew his membership with us.


He has everything going for himself to make a good husband material however, he hasn’t found the right one to marry yet. Born in 1973, this guy is a professor, nice looking and has money and a good family background as well. Only thing mattered to him when it comes to woman was that he wanted a good-looking woman who is at least 7 years younger than him.


7 years of age difference is considered quite a wide gap these days, yet his job and social status was good enough to attract many women. Since he is the 7th time returning member, so many ladies were introduced to him in the past 7 to 8 years, and he had more than 80 meetings. So, this means we would have to find someone from the members who joined only recently, young and pretty which makes it very difficult to find.  

To be honest, we weren’t so thrilled When this member reached out to us to renew his membership. Moreover, this guy was getting anxious and looking for a date in a hurry which made us unsure as well.

Then this woman who was born in 1980 and running her own academy caught our attention. She said, she wouldn’t mind the age gap up to 10 years as long as the guy has a good financial ability. This is the 3rd time for this lady to renew her membership and she also had more than 30 meetings so there weren’t that many men left to introduce to her either.

​When we tried to match the two, we found that they had already been matched 3 years ago. At the time, the guy was interested in the lady however she wasn’t. We couldn’t figure out a specific reason why she didn’t like him but there wasn’t anything outstanding.

When we introduced him to her again, she remembered his profile. At the time, she was introduced with another man, but she liked the other man a little more. We asked her now if she wants to meet him again, and she said yes. 


The two were reconnected. The guy didn't remember her, but he liked her again, and the two became a couple.

If you are older and have renewed your membership multiple times, it becomes harder to find a match for you. So, occasionally we look at your previous matching history because you might have passed over a good match whilst having too many matches.

People say to meet as many people as possible and make a decision, but in reality, when you meet too many people, it clouds your mind by comparing someone with too many people and make your decision making even harder.


Fortunately, this couple was able to rekindle their lost relationship and got married soon after.

Couple.net CEO / WoongJin Lee 


Since 1991, Couple.net

Whatsapp : 917-710-8133


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