Room Rent

글쓴이: lighthouse  |  등록일: 03.17.2025 19:28 pm  |  조회수: 101
Costa Mesa 
Jane Yu 
Furnished Room for Rent (Costa Mesa)

City of Costa Mesa, Orange County

Irvine 10분,UCI 10분, Orange Coast College 5분 거리.
Close to 405 to 5, 73, 55 Fwy,
Very close to everything you need to be by.
Orange County performing Art center, John Wayne airport, South Coast plaza, Best Buy, Starbucks, Famous restaurants, etc....

Rent 1150.00 + per month. All utilities included within the rent, as well as internet.
A finely furnished room(  침대, 책상, 기타 일절)
 Use for washer & dryer. Refrigerator, provided kitchen tools. Share bathroom.

Perfect location for young professionals(젊은 직장인) or student 환영
*회사원, 대학생 , 유학생 환영,장,단기 rent 도 환영. Male only
* No pets, No drugs, no smoking, no alcohol.

Beautiful, Quiet & Safety Gated Community/ Pool & Spa, permit parking 제공.
Location: on Susan/Sunflower. 92626, Near South Coast Plaza

문의처: (949)244-7741(Call or Text)
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