Ways to Avoid Job Application Mistakes

등록일: 09.09.2015 14:15:27  |  조회수: 2237

Many of the most common job application mistakes can be prevented by focusing on the task at hand when completing the application and other supporting materials. Landing a new job is a life changing event, so don't sink yourself before you even let an employer know you're interested in a vacant position. Follow these tips to avoid job application mistakes.

Pay Attention to Built-in Edits in Online Application Systems

Many organizations only take online job applications. Some organizations allow applicants to upload resumes, but a good number of hiring managers ignore them. The resume is for the applicant to tell the organization what he or she wants it to know; the application is for the organization to find out what it wants to know about the applicant.

To both assist applicants and to gather the most complete information possible, computer programmers build edits into job application systems. These edits verify that information applicants input into particular fields conforms to predetermined criteria. If information input into a field does not conform, the system generates an error message to the applicant. This message instructs the applicant on fixing the error.

In almost all circumstances, error messages prevent applicants from progressing in the system. Sometimes error messages are only warnings. Pay attention to these warnings. They alert you that you are almost certainly providing incorrect information.

Look Over Your Documents for Empty Fields

Some fields are not meant to be completed by every applicant. Others are. For example, applicants may be asked if they have any felony convictions. A subsequent field asks to explain the circumstances around those convictions. Most applicants would not need this field.

Make sure you complete all the fields that apply to you. If you are supposed to put “N/A” in fields you intend to leave blank, do so.

Run Your Documents Through a Spell Checker

Spelling errors make the wrong impression on a job application. Hiring managers see spelling mistakes and envision someone who does not pay attention to detail. For forms created in word processing programs like Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat, built-in spell checkers are easy to find within the program. You would be a fool not to use them.

Online application systems may or may not have spell check features. Even if they do, they may only apply to longer text fields. Before submitting your application, copy the text from longer fields into a program that has a spell check. Run the spell check. Then, put your edited text back into the fields.

Set Your Documents Down for a Day or Two

It is amazing what can happen when you put down your job application materials for a day or two. Mistakes that you would have passed over stick out like sore thumbs. Give yourself time to set documents aside. You will be glad when you correct an obviously misspelled word or transposed numbers.

Have Someone Else Proofread for You

Even better than your own eyes a few days later are others’ eyes on your job application. Certainly they need to check for grammar, spelling and completeness, but ask them to do more. Ask them questions like, “What would be your impression if you were the hiring manager? How well does the application address the knowledge, skills and abilities listed in the posting? Are you left with any nagging questions?” Have a conversation.



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