층간소음 HOA

질문자: Mrpinch  |  등록일: 01.22.2025 08:01:34  |  조회수: 1605
저는 지금 콘도를 구입하여 거주중인데 윗집 주인이 집을 리스 주면서 나가면서 카펫에서 hardwood으로 교체하면서 시작되었습니다. 새로운 가족이 이사오고 소음에 시달려서 HOA 연락하여 1년동안 이의제기하며 이번에 HOA에서 집 주인 소환하여서 조사한다고 하였지만 아무런 이상없다며 violation closed 했다고 합니다.
제가 알아 보았을때 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 25

1. Minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) Requirements
Walls, floor-ceiling assemblies, and doors separating dwelling units or guest rooms from one another or public spaces must achieve:
STC 50: If tested in a laboratory setting.
STC 45: If tested in the field.
2. Minimum Impact Insulation Class (IIC) Requirements
Floor-ceiling assemblies between units must achieve:
IIC 50: If tested in a laboratory setting.
IIC 45: If tested in the field.
3. Testing for Compliance
If there is a dispute or suspicion of non-compliance, the responsible party (e.g., developer, property owner, or HOA) must conduct sound transmission and impact insulation testing.
4. Applicability
These requirements apply to all new construction and conversions of existing buildings into multi-family housing units.
Units must also comply with noise insulation standards when sold, leased, or rented.
5. Special Cases
In environments with exterior noise exposure exceeding 60 dB, additional noise reduction measures may be required for walls, windows, and other exterior assemblies.
6. Enforcement and Remedies
Local building departments and agencies, such as the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), enforce these standards.
Failure to comply can result in delays, fines, or mandatory remediation.
Steps to Address Non-Compliance
Verify Compliance: Request field testing to measure STC and IIC values in the affected area. An acoustic consultant or engineer can perform these tests.

File a Complaint: If you live in a condo or multi-family housing unit, submit a formal complaint to the:

Homeowners Association (HOA)
Local building department
California HCD if local authorities do not resolve the issue.
Seek Legal Action: If the noise insulation requirements are not met, you may have legal grounds under Title 25 for enforcement or damages.

하지만 그 어떤 테스트도 하지 않았고 윗집 주인이 제출한 general contract 하나로 케이스를 종료하였습니다.
HOA는 답변도 피하며 저한테 알려줄 의무가 없다며 아무런 조치를 하지않고있습니다.
이런경우 어떻해 하면 좋을가요?
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