아파트 complains 어디서 하나요 하우징디팟트먼트

글쓴이: Milikhan  |  등록일: 10.08.2015 16:04:59  |  조회수: 2281
엘에이..한 아파트에 거주하는 테넌트 입니다.

에어컨이 고장나서 8월초부터 지금까지 고쳐달라고 말하고 있는데..

메니져는 메니지먼트 회사에 얘기했다.. 아무말이 없다.. 회사에 전화해라..

회사에 전화했더니.. 슈퍼바이저랑은 통화도 안되고.. 메세지 몇 번 남겼는데.

콜백한번 안왔습니다. 애들도 2명이나 있고. 힘들어서.. 안되겠습니다.

참다참다. 열받아서......

하우징디팟먼트인가.. 컴플레인하는데. 있다고 들었은는데. 혹시 아시는 분... 전화번호나.. 사이트 주소 좀 가쳐주세요.
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  • Califusa  10.09.2015 12:32:00  

    Conditions that make a rental unit legally uninhabitable

    There are many kinds of defects that could make a rental unit unlivable. The implied warranty of habitability requires landlords to maintain their rental units in a condition fit for the "occupation of human beings. "136 In addition, the rental unit must "substantially comply" with building and housing code standards that materially affect tenants' health and safety.137

    A rental unit may be considered uninhabitable (unlivable) if it contains a lead hazard that endangers the occupants or the public, or is a substandard building because, for example, a structural hazard, inadequate sanitation, or a nuisance endangers the health, life, safety, property, or welfare of the occupants or the public.138

    A dwelling also may be considered uninhabitable (unlivable) if it substantially lacks any of the following:139

    Effective waterproofing and weather protection of roof and exterior walls, including unbroken windows and doors.
    Plumbing facilities in good working order, including hot and cold running water, connected to a sewage disposal system.
    Gas facilities in good working order.
    Heating facilities in good working order.
    An electric system, including lighting, wiring, and equipment, in good working order.
    Clean and sanitary buildings, grounds, and appurtenances (for example, a garden or a detached garage), free from debris, filth, rubbish, garbage, rodents, and vermin.
    Adequate trash receptacles in good repair.
    Floors, stairways, and railings in good repair.

  • J6070  10.10.2015 10:47:00  

    LA Housing Dept.
    1200 W. 7th St. (Wilshire & Admore. Wells Fargo Bank building)
    LA, CA 900