Free Consulting /Coaching Session (Career or Life)

글쓴이: 지온  |  등록일: 03.25.2023 14:57:29  |  조회수: 844
A series of events these past few weeks has led me to posting this today.
I believe I have been given a sign.. I seed planted in my heart to offer up a free coaching session to those that may need some help/guidance or a gentle nudge to moving forward in life or in one's career.

"Who are you to offer anything?" - you might ask.
Sure.. I am a no-body, but I may be a somebody to some.
At the least, I am willing to simply be a stranger - to someone who needs an ear to talk to. Maybe my story will help some people out there to give a different perspective in moving forward with one's life journey - whichever journey that may be.

Resume's aren't everything- but if it helps..

1. I'm a female in my mid-30s, and a graduate of Yonsei.
2. I've worked at companies in both Korea and the U.S. (S-OIL, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Google, Disney - and smaller Korean Companies as well)
3. I've worked on farms.. I've re-started my career multiple times - interned at age 29, have worked odd jobs - including server jobs, construction, legal, hr, marketing, etc.
4. I love what I do, and I have so much gratitude for where I am at in life.

I'm attaching a link for you to reach out:

Book one free 'talking' session, ask any questions you may have.

We can talk in either Korean or English-
So reach out to me in whatever language works best for you : )

FYI - I'm in the LA/Burbank Area.
Our first session can be over zoom or in-person.

Thank you and have a lovely day.
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  • 로이로이  04.01.2023 00:21:00  

    포름을 보냈어요. 한 번 확인해주시면 감사하겠어요.