10 Best Cities for College Grads Looking for Work-Life Balance

등록일: 09.01.2015 17:43:54  |  조회수: 1460

The moment you've been waiting for is here: the hat toss and the diploma in hand. Free from the constraints of your college dorm, the question is, where to now?
The American Institute for Economic Research ranked the most attractive cities for college graduates, ages 22 to 35, among 260 metro areas, large and small. For our big city dwellers, Washington D.C. fit the bill and for our small town folk, Iowa City, Iowa feels like home.
“After making the economic decision to move, the young and educated are looking for places where they can have a meaningful work/life balance,” said Rosalind Greenstein, director of research and education at AIER in a press release. 

The following cities are from the major metros bracket, which include one million or more residents. The rankings are based on eight economic and quality-of-life factors and the most important were, in order, high density of college grads, low unemployment rate and ability to get around without a car. Other factors included bars and restaurants per 1,000 residents, earning power, rent, competition for jobs and ethnic and racial diversity. 

1. Washington, D.C.
    Average salary earnings: $63,497
2. San Francisco, California
    Average salary earnings: $72,622
3. Boston, Massachusetts
    Average salary earnings: $58,040
4. San Jose, California
    Average salary earnings: $79,331
5. New York, New York
    Average salary earnings: $64,590
6. Seattle, Washington
    Average salary earnings: $57,448
7. Denver, Colorado
    Average salary earnings: $49,769
8. Austin, Texas
    Average salary earnings: $51,576
9. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota
    Average salary earnings: $52,552
10. Raleigh, North Carolina
      Average salary earnings: $47,157 

Here's the breakdown for smaller metro areas:

Midsize Metros (500,000 to 999,999)
1. Bridgeport, Connecticut
2. Honolulu, Hawaii
3. Provo, Utah
4. Albany, New York
5. Portland, Maine 

Small Metros (250,000 to 499,999)
1. Ann Arbor, Michigan
2. Fort Collins, Colorado
3. Gainesville, Florida
4. Lincoln, Nebraska
5. Trenton, New Jersey

Smallest Metros (Below 250,000)
1. Iowa City, Iowa
2. Ithaca, New York
3. Lawrence, Kansas
4. Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
5. Bloomington, Indiana

<Source: Monster.com>



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