***** 중성화 왜 필요한가....

글쓴이: haengbok  |  등록일: 02.26.2016 02:13:08  |  조회수: 1606
아래 내용을 번역한 것은 아니고 간단하게 나온 상식적인 얘기만 인터넷에서 찾아 올려봅니다.

발생하는 유기견에 비해 보호 공간과 입양자 수는 턱없이 부족해 수많은 유기견이 가족을 찾지 못하고 안락사되는 경우가 많이 있습니다.  길거리에서 고통속에 죽어가는 아이들은 말할 이유없고요…
때문에, 반려견들의 "중성화수술" 은 유기견을 줄이기 위한 최선의 선택입니다.
개는 일 년에 2번 정도 임신이 가능하고, 한번 출산 할 때마다 3~8 마리 정도 새끼를 낳습니다.  그때마다 반려견들이 출산을 한다면  늘어나는 아이들을 반려인 혼자 감당하는 것이 쉽지 않고, 반려견들의 몸에도 무리가 옵니다. 
따라서 반려견들이 발정을 겪을 때마다, 욕구를 강제로 참게 만든다면
반려견들이 받는 스트레스는 사람이 상상하는 그 이상입니다.  그렇기 때문에
반려견들의 중성화 수술이 필요해요~~!!  중성화수술은 발정의 욕구가 남아있는데 교미 할 수 없는 불안정한 상태가 아니라, 호르몬 분비가 차단됨으로써 발정이 없고, 성적인 욕구도 남아있지 않게 되는 것입니다. 게다가 발정기간 동안 가출하는 반려견 들의 수도 상당합니다.
(버려진 경우도 많지만 가출해서 유기견되는 경우 엄청많습니다.  SOUTH CENTRAL, LA 지역 유기견의 수가 45,000 이 넘는다합니다. )
 반려견들이 중성화 수술을 한다면  자궁축농증, 유선종양, 비뇨기계 질환 등을 예방할 수 있습니다. 심각한 질병을 예방할 수 있습니다.
 반려견의 중성화수술 비용이 비싸서 아깝다고 생각하시는 분들... 반려견을 키운다는 것은 반려견들과 함께 하는 기간동안  반려견이 먹고 생활하는 비용부터
몸이 아플 때 발생하는 치료비까지 모든 비용을 반려인이 책임진다는 것을 뜻합니다.
반려견을 키우는 동안 드는 비용에 비하면 중성화 수술비는 그리 크지 않습니다.
병원에서는 몇백불이지만 몇십불에도 해주는 곳이 주변에 많이 있습니다.


There are numerous reasons to spay or neuter your pet. Many include health reasons and your pet being a better companion animal. The earlier you spay/neuter your pet, the better. Younger animals heal quicker and have fewer complications (plus, the surgery is WAY easier on the surgeon too!). The following will break down the benefits for each species and gender. A good thing to remember if you live in Los Angeles: YOU MUST spay and neuter your dog or cat if it is over four months of age – it is the law! Violations are subject to high fines and after the third fine violation, non-compliance is a misdemeanor charge.

Spaying female dogs prior to their first heat cycle (heat cycles can start as young as 5-6 months of age) will reduce your dog’s chance of breast cancer by 22%. Spaying your dog will also prevent heat cycles from occurring. Heat cycles can occur every 6-8 months. This cycling can be very hard on your dog. Heat cycles can also lead to a life threatening condition called pyometra. Pyometra is when the uterus fills with bacteria and pus. This emergency situation leads to death and the only way to prevent it from occurring is spaying your pet. There are many misconceptions about dogs and having litters. Having a litter will not make your female dog a better pet. There are no behavioral differences that occur from not allowing your dog to have a litter and, as stated earlier, you dog will have a healthier life with a lower chance of cancer by spaying before going into heat. Your dog will also not get fat after spaying. Putting on weight occurs from feeding your dog too much and not giving them enough exercise. Obesity is prevented by you (the owner), not keeping your dog intact.

Neutering male dogs prior to six months of age can help many undesirable behaviors such as marking, roaming, and inappropriate sexual activities. Your dog will have an extremely strong desire to mate if left intact, and therefore will roam. Intact male dogs are 75% of the dogs that are hit by cars – they run away from their owners’ home in order to find female dogs. Intact male dogs are also unfortunately over 80% of the dogs that die from getting hit by a car. These facts show that it is healthier for your dog to get neutered and have a longer life, but there are also many conditions and cancers that are prevented by neutering – testicular cancer, prostate enlargement, and perianal fistulas. Dogs do not have emotional attachments to their reproductive tissues like people do! Do not sacrifice your pets’ health for something that you have a problem with! I promise your dog won’t blame you for making the decision to give him a better life.

Continual heat cycles are very hard on female cats. Many cats will cycle in and out of heat (unless they get pregnant) for every one to three weeks, six to ten months out of the year. Cats’ behavior during their heat cycle is extremely undesirable. They are very loud, agitated, and constantly rub against anything they can find – furniture, people, walls, etc. Mammary cancer is detrimental to female cats. Ninety percent of breast cancers in cats are malignant – they spread quickly. The best way to prevent breast cancer is spaying before six months of age (90% reduction in risk for developing mammary cancer).

Neutering male cats prior to six months of age can help many undesirable behaviors such as marking, roaming, and fighting. If cats are not neutered when they are young and these behaviors begin, it is very unlikely that they will be reduced by neutering. Intact male cat urine is also extremely strong and putrid. Neutering a male cat will stop the strong urine smell from being present.

When dogs and cats are spayed or neutered when they are young, it prevents many bad habits – aggression, inappropriate sexual activity, roaming, and marking. Performing this procedure allows your pet to be more loyal and stay close to home – it will not have a constant desire to procreate, try to escape, and find a mate.

There is always a risk undergoing anesthesia for any animal (including humans). However, we take every necessary precaution that we can to prevent anesthetic complications. Every animal undergoes a thorough examination of its heart and lungs to make sure it can withstand anesthesia. Many times, when we examine your pet we will find abnormalities like heart murmurs. When we do, we notify you immediately and make sure you approve continuing with the procedure using a special anesthesia. (If you are aware of any conditions that your pet has, please inform our receptionists so we can proceed using proper precautions. We do not charge extra for having to use special anesthesia).

During the procedure, your pet will be constantly monitored. We are able to get your loved pet through anesthetic induction, surgical prepping, surgery, and recovery very quickly because we are skilled at performing our jobs. This is what we do every day!

Yes, anesthesia and surgery are a risk. However, the risk is far greater to keep your pet intact. The best way to keep your pet as long and as healthy as possible, is to neuter or spay them when they are young.

출처:  SNPLA
DISCLAIMERS: 이 글은 개인회원이 직접 작성한 글로 내용에 대한 모든 책임은 작성자에게 있으며, 이 내용을 본 후 결정한 판단에 대한 책임은 게시물을 본 이용자 본인에게 있습니다. 라디오코리아는 이 글에 대한 내용을 보증하지 않으며, 이 정보를 사용하여 발생하는 결과에 대하여 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다. 라디오코리아의 모든 게시물에 대해 게시자 동의없이 게시물의 전부 또는 일부를 수정 · 복제 · 배포 · 전송 등의 행위는 게시자의 권리를 침해하는 것으로 원칙적으로 금합니다. 이를 무시하고 무단으로 수정 · 복제 · 배포 · 전송하는 경우 저작재산권 침해의 이유로 법적조치를 통해 민, 형사상의 책임을 물을 수 있습니다. This article is written by an individual, and the author is full responsible for its content. The viewer / reader is responsible for the judgments made after viewing the contents. Radio Korea does not endorse the contents of the articles and assumes no responsibility for the consequences of using the information. In principle, all posts in Radio Korea are prohibited from modifying, copying, distributing, and transmitting all or part of the posts without the consent of the publisher. Any modification, duplication, distribution, or transmission without prior permission can subject you to civil and criminal liability.
  • sky71712  03.01.2016 15:05:00  

    감사합니다. 이런글 올려주셔서..
    특히 캘리는 중성화수술이 의무입니다. 그러니 내가 다 키울거 아니면 불법적으로 교배해서 새끼낳게 하지 마시고 중성화 수술 꼭 해주세요!!

  • Jejeu2j2y  03.04.2016 10:47:00  

    제발 중성화 시켜주시고 불법교배로 장사 하지 맙시다