How To Showcase Your Personal Brand In An Interview

등록일: 10.06.2015 11:28:06  |  조회수: 1716
A personal brand is your distinct talents and what you represent. As it turns out, a strong, appealing personal brand can help job seekers in the interview process. 

Dan Schawbel, founder of Millennial Branding and author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success,and Mike Fenlon, PwC’s U.S. and global talent leader, offered advice on how you can best showcase your personal brand during an interview.

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Before the interview, research the company, Fenlon says. Who are they?  What types of services do they provide?  Who are their clients? Then, prepare for every possible question and know your resume. “Seek out opportunities to practice your interviewing skills with others through mock interviews.” Next, prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Remember that interviewing is a two-way street—and your questions might say something about who you are and your personal brand.

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Come to the interview with a personal branding toolkit.
This should include business cards, a cover letter, resume, references document, and, if you’re in a creative field, a portfolio of work, Schawbel says. “Each part of your toolkit should have a link to either your website or LinkedIn profile. By doing this, you are viewed as someone who has come prepared, are thoughtful and understand how to sell yourself.”

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Show positive body language.
Sit up straight, smile, have a firm handshake and use eye contact during the interview, Schawbel says. “This way you’ll be taken more seriously and it shows respect for the people who is interviewing you. It also displays your interest for the position, which is important because there are so many people vying for the job that if you don’t come off as interested enough, you’ll be passed over.” 

Fenlon agrees. “First impressions matter,” he says. “Your interview starts when you walk in the door.  Don’t let little things like attire or body language sink your ship before you even open your mouth.”

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Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Most job seekers believe that they are the only ones being interviewed, which is the wrong way to look at it, Schawbel explains. “You need to interview them by asking questions related to the job and the work environment. Find out what they like about their job, what a typical day is like and more about where the group or organization is going long-term. Also, asking questions shows you’re thoughtful and interested in the position.”

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Tell stories.
“Storytelling works,” Fenlon says. “Don’t regurgitate facts that are on your resume. Use the power of personal stories to convey the essence of who you are and what’s important to you. It’s easier to be enthusiastic when you’re telling a story versus just restating facts.”

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Display your unique personality.
“Don’t hold back who you are during the job interview because that’s how you can connect with the hiring manager,” Schawbel says. You might have mutual interest outside of work, too, so don’t shy away from talking about them. You want to use everything to your advantage and you’ll feel much better about yourself and the job if there’s a natural connection between both yourself and the interviewer.

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Discuss your skills and talents.
Talk about your unique skills and talents that separate you from all of the other candidates, Schawbel adds. “If you’re an expert at a certain skill, play that up as much as possible during the interview. While job seekers brand themselves as generalists, companies want to hire specialists. By pushing your top skill, as it applies to the job, you can stand out.”

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End with a bang.
“Make sure you’re authentic and memorable," Fenlon says. "Step up to stand out!”

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Follow up.
“After the interview, personalize a thank you that makes you stand out and makes a human connection, build your virtual network by sustaining connections via LinkedIn, and make good notes on what you felt went well and what you could improve on while you’re in the moment,” Fenlon says.



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