서부지역 오피스에서 함께 근무할 유능한 직원을 모집합니다.

 조회수: 181
• Location:
Whittier, CA
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• 고용정보:
직원수 15명 이상

H Mart is the largest Asian supermarket chain in America and is the pioneer of Asian food in America. Starting in 1982 with a single store in Woodside, Queens, H Mart has grown to include more than 97 stores across the United States. H Mart is America’s premier Asian food destination and provides groceries and everyday essential needs as well as upscale products. H Mart offers a full line of Asian foods as well as a broad range of Western groceries to complement its full scale offering to that of a traditional supermarket. H Mart is also known for its innovative new food halls which are an extension of over 30 years of providing eateries in its stores. H Mart is recognized as one of the fastest growing retailers in the National Retail Federation’s HOT 100 RETAILERS (#13 H Mart). Supermarket News has listed H Mart as one of the Top 50 Small Chains and Independents in the United States & Canada.


빠르게 성장하는 서부지역 오피스에서 함께 근무할 유능한 직원을 모집합니다. 


서부 지역오피스 포지션

• 재무: Staff Accountant ​ 

• IT: IT Helpdesk Coordinator​ 

• 구매: CRM Administrator

• 자산: Construction Project Coordinator​ 

• 인사: HR Administrator ​ 

• 급여는 각 링크에서 확인 가능 

지원방법: 각 포지션의 링크 또는 해당 링크 클릭, 

근무지역: 11966 Washington Blvd., Whittier, CA 90606



오피스 Benefit 


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