Account Executive (Cargo Sales) 직원 채용

 조회수: 478
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LAX 공항 근처
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714 397 4473
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• 고용정보:
직원수 15명 이상

GLOBE AIR CARGO 프랑스가 본사인 ECS GROUP 산하  세계 주요 항공사들을 상대로 화물 영업을 대행 하는 회사 입니다.

2022 10 취항 시점부터 GLOBE AIR CARGO AIR PREMIA 미주 화물 영업을 진행하고 있으며 사업 확장에 따라 유능하고 참신한 인재를 모시고자 하오니 많은 관심 바랍니다.

1. Position (Full-Time)
- Account Executive (Cargo Sales)

2. Job Description
- Conduct warm calling to current and prospective agents to generate leads and build relationships
- Communicate effectively with agents to find solutions to their needs
- Stay updated on industry developments to position products effectively

3. Job Requirements
- Proficient in both English and Korean
- Excellent verbal and written communication Skills
- Organization skills with attention to detail
- Proficient with Microsoft Office (Exel, Word, Powerpoint)

4. Benefits
- PPO Medical / Dental Insurance
- 401K
- Year-End Bonus (Subject to Employee and Company Yearly Performance)

5. Salary Range
- $60,000 ~ $75,000 Annual (Based on Experience and Qualification)

6. Apply 

- Send resume to :

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