학생 학비를 환불 받고 싶은데 캘리 포니아 학비 법에 과거 학비를 돌려 주지 못하다고 합니다 학생 제출 서류를 너무 늦게 확인 하는 상황에 일 되었습니다

질문자: 영거11  |  등록일: 03.22.2021 22:18:14  |  조회수: 2905
Title: Request for changing to instate-tuition
To: UCSB Office of the Registrar
From: Kyle Kim or Sangyoon Kim (Perm number: 9534686)
Hi, I am Kyle Kim(Sangyoon Kim), a student currently studying as physics major in UCSB. Recently while having a conversation with a friend who is also student attending UCSB, I found out that I have paid excessive amount of tuition.The fact is, I’ve paid my tuition as out-state, not in-state tuition. I became permanent residentsinceMarch 17th, 2017. Ilived with my family in 2079 NORSE DR, APT 91, PLEASANT HILL, CA, 94523(my family continues to live in the same address today) and I attended Diablo Valley College, transferred to UCSB on September 2019. I have never left California since I received my green card. When I attended Diablo Valley College, I keep paying my tuition with in-state tuition. Therefore, I was sure that in-state tuition would also apply when transferring to USCB. However, unfortunately, I’ve keep paying for out-state tuition since I transferred to UCSB, 2019. Until now, I am in a difficult situation financially due to the excessive amount of tuition burden which is unexpected amount for me.
So, I am requesting my tuition status should be changed to in-state tuition as soon as possible, and hope you to refund the total amount of tuition that I paid as out-state tuition minus the tuition that I would have paid as in-state tuition.
I attached documents that could prove my status and there was an error in paying tuition. Here arethe Attachments: (1) my green card, (2) my driver license, (3) my bank statement (2016-2021) and my father’s bank statement (2016-2021), (4) my father and mother’s green cards, and (5) father’s driver license.

학교에서 못 돌려 준다고 합니다 소송으로 받아 낼 수가 있을까요?
약 2년간의 금액이 만만치 않습니다
  • 이원석 변호사
    03.23.2021 11:34:00  

    학비를 돌려 받을수 있을것 같습니다만 문제는 공소 시효가 지났는지을 확인 해 보셔야 하고, 학교와 맺은 계약서등을 검토 해 보셔야 할것입니다.

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