세무자 피해 관련 소송

질문자: jinjoo  |  등록일: 02.10.2018 16:41:21  |  조회수: 1765
하우스 세입자로서 그동안 당한 고통이 많아 정리하였습니다.  소송이 가능한지요?

Date Content What we did House Owner’s Reaction
09-12, 2016 Water leaking from the ceiling of 2nd floor, maybe from air conditioner (AC)?
Picture evidence Wife took the picture of water leaking spot and send it to house owner House owner suggested to close water line for spring cooler and wait until when he comes to LA on November or later.
09-13, 2016 Still water leaking
Sent pictures to the owner Husband Mr. Park called the owner. The owner suggested Dr. Park to find a closing valve for the spring cooler.
09-14, 2016 4 leaking spots, worse than before Called the owner and sent 4 pictures of the leaking spots to the owner. He’s been worrying about possible leaking of spring cooler since the cooler is 25 year old.
He said he will come to LA to fix it.
Early October, 2016 Whole family were under stress.  Had to put container to collect water.
Picture evidence The owner called AC engineer and fixed the leaking, but Water from the condenser of AC on 2nd floor is flowing on a window and wall and dropping on the ground as long as running AC
September, 2017 – December, 2017 The holes made after fixing the water leaking from the ceiling of 2nd floor, from AC (September 2016) has not been fixed for one year.  Whole family was under stress.
Picture evidence Last year asked the owner to fix it.  Took picture of it and send it to the owner.
After the leaking, Mr. Park’s skin has not been good.  He got 2 cancer surgeries before. Hasn’t tried to fix it for a year
Spring cooler line has disconnected for  a year (house regulation in Buena Park?)
Picture evidence Worried about possible house fire
Whole family was under stress about possible fire without spring cooler Hasn’t tried to fix it for a year
Water from the condenser of AC on 2nd floor is flowing on a window and wall and dropping on the ground as long as running AC.  Dirty environment. Told the owner before Hasn’t tried to fix it for a year
Backyard has never gardened after moving into the house Told the owner.  Even the owner hasn’t paid for gardening fee for a few months. The owner arranged a new gardener later

Three outlets in three rest rooms had no electric powder from August 25, 2017. 
Not comfortable and under stress Called the owner on August 28, 2017.  But until September 1st, 2017, it hasn’t been fixed. Owner’s son came to check it and called an engineer, but hasn’t fixed until September 1st, 2017.
Too many ants from walls in any place showed up
Picture evidence
Called the owner Didn’t do anything
02-09, 2018 The holes made after fixing the water leaking from the ceiling of 2nd floor, from AC (September 2016) has not been fixed until now.  Whole family was under stress.
Picture evidence asked the owner to fix it many times.  Hasn’t tried to fix it until now
Spring cooler line has been disconnected until now  (house regulation in Buena Park?)
Picture evidence Has worried about possible house fire
Whole family has been under stress about possible fire without spring cooler Hasn’t tried to fix it until now
  • 이원석 변호사
    02.12.2018 10:55:00  

    죄송 합니다.  바쁜 시간을 쪼개서 하는 일이기 때문에 장문의 글을 올리시면 어려움이 있습니다.  정리를 해서 간단 하게 다시 올려 주시기 바랍니다.

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