저와 같은 Case 가 가능한지요

질문자: Rlqnswhxkrh  |  등록일: 12.19.2014 12:38:45  |  조회수: 6546
LA 의 어느 이민센터라는 곳에 저희 가족의 입장을 질문 했더니 아래와 같이 답변이 왔습니다.
어느 변호사는 학교 수업 Drop 일자가 2014.11.20 이전이므로 가능하다는 의견과 어떤 변호사는
Sevis 통보일자가 11/25 이므로 날짜가 지나서 안된다는 의견으로 양분되는데 도대체 제가 구제받을 수 잇는건지요? 워킹퍼밋 너무 필요합니다. 생계가 위협당하는 현실입니다.
변호사님 도와주세요...감사드려요 !!

Hello !

I have a US citizen child.

I lived in US since 2008.10, I keep legal status from 2008 to 2014.10.31, and lost my status by drop my study on Nov.01.2014, but reported to SEVIS Nov.25.2014.

I can prove of drop class on Oct.31.2014 by proof of document principle of the school.

Can I qualify apply DAPA ?

My wife and my kid same with me ?

Shiu-Ming Cheer 


Is your status listed in SEVIS as terminated?  We don’t have the final information yet about who will qualify for DAPA but it’s possible the guidelines will be similar to the DACA guidelines.  Below is what USCIS’ DACA FAQs say about someone in your situation:

Q43: I was admitted for "duration of status" or for a period of time that extended past June 14, 2012, but violated my immigration status (e.g., by engaging in unauthorized employment, failing to report to my employer, or failing to pursue a full course of study) before June 15, 2012. May I be considered for deferred action under this process?
 A43: No, unless the Executive Office for Immigration Review terminated your status by issuing a final order of removal against you before June 15, 2012.

Q45: I was admitted for “duration of status” but my status in SEVIS is listed as terminated on or before June 15, 2012. May I be considered for deferred action under this process?A45: Yes. For the purposes of satisfying the ““had no lawful status on June 15, 2012,” guideline alone, if your status as of June 15, 2012, is listed as “terminated” in SEVIS, you may be considered for deferred action under this process.

We will have to wait to see how USCIS defines being “out of status” on 11/20/14.


In terms of your wife and child, they will have to file their own application and show they qualify for DACA or DAPA. You can’t include them on your application.


Shiu MIng

Shiu-Ming Cheer

Immigration Attorney

National Immigration Law Center

3435 Wilshire Bl. #2850

Los Angeles, CA 90010

213.674.2833 (o)

213.235.8269 (c)
  • 스티븐조 변호사
    12.20.2014 06:48:00  


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