LC 오딧후 디나이... 억장이 무너집니다.. 제발 도와주세요...

질문자: 화상  |  등록일: 07.15.2015 17:55:57  |  조회수: 7582
우선일자 2014년 2월
오딧 2014년 8월
디나이 2015년 7월13일
오랫동안 기다려 왔는데 디나이라네요.
큰아이가 12학년이되어서 학교 때문에 이것만 기다려 왔는데...
변호사 말로는 자신들의 실수는 아니라고 하는데...
어필하지 말고 다시 처음부터 시작하자고 합니다...
제가 궁금한 것은 과연 변호사의 실수가 아니지와 어필해서 성공할 가능성은 있는지
또 기간은 얼마나 걸리는지, 만약 같은 스폰서로 똑같이 진행 했을때, 다시 감사에 걸릴 확률이 더 높아지는
것은 아니지 입니다.
아래에 디나이 원문을 올립니다...
제발 도와주세요..
Although the emplioyer is not required to subit documentary evidence confirming the job order posting, all responsive documentation to an Audit Notification letter dated 15 August 2014 is subject to regulatory compliance. Here, the content of the job order documentation provided by the employer conflicts with the requirements stated in the application.

In the instant case, there is discrepancy between the employer's job order and the application. The employer's job order in dicates hiring requirements, "Drug Testing/Screening, Background Checks, Credit Checks, and Reference Checks." However, these requirements are not enumerated anywhere on the application, the employer must sufficiently identify the position in which employment is sought. Further, it is the obligation of the employer to ensure that its advertisements contain accurate information. Here, the job order states "Drug Testing/Screening, Background Checks, Credit Checks, and Reference Checks," is required, whereas the application does not indicate these requirements.

As a result of this discrepancy, U.S. workers viewed and advertisement that contained additional job requirements "Drug Testing/Screening, Background Checks, Credit Checks," which may have discouragd U.S. workers who met the minimum requirements from applying. Before filing an application for a permanent labor certification, an employer must test the labor market to ensure that there are not sufficient U.S. workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available to perform the position for which the employer seeks certification. Here, the employer did not adequately "test the labor market" when it posted a job order with requirements not listed on the application. An advertisement featuring incorrect information about an available job opportunity does not constitue a true test of the labor market to determine if there are able, willing, qualified, and available U.S. workers.

For the reasons stated above, the Certifying Officer cannot grant certification of this application.
  • 스티븐조 변호사
    07.16.2015 08:27:00  


    위 내용만 봐서는 변호사가 잘못했는지, 또는 현재 항소하는것이 나을지 아니면 새로 시작하는것이 나을지 알수가 없습니다.

    그러한 사안은 모든것을 종합적으로 세밀히 검토하고 판단을 내려야 합니다.

    변호사가 최소 10년이상 이민법을 전문으로 다루어 왔다면 아마 그분 말씀을따르는것이 좋을것으로 생각합니다.

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