Recognizing America's Children Act

질문자: Star121232  |  등록일: 09.25.2017 11:31:57  |  조회수: 2909
존경하는 변호사님,

오늘 새롭게 추진되는 DACA를 대체하는 bill 같습니다. (아직 갈길이 멀다는 것을 알지만)

아래내용에 의하면 저도 해당 되는지 궁금해서 여쭈어 봅니다.

저는 2002년 (당시 15살) 때 미국에 왔고 한번도 미국을 떠난적이 없습니다. 그리고 여태 학생비자로 합법적인 신분을 유지중입니다.

제가 읽어보기에는 꼭 불체들만 해당된다는 말은 없어서요.

바쁘신거 알지만 답변 해 주신다면 너무나 감사드리겠습니다.

Recognizing America's Children Act

This bill authorizes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to cancel the removal of, and adjust to conditional nonimmigrant for an initial five-year period the status of, an alien who:

was younger than 16 years old when he or she initially entered the United States and has been physically present in the United States since January 1, 2012;
is a person of good moral character;
is not inadmissible or deportable on specified grounds under the Immigration and Nationality Act;
has not participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion;
has not been convicted of certain offenses under federal or state law;
is 18 years or older and has earned a high school diploma, general education development certificate, or high school equivalency diploma in the United States, has been admitted to an institution of higher education, or has a valid work authorization; and
has never been under a final order of exclusion, deportation, or removal unless the alien has remained in the United States under color of law after such order's issuance or received the order before attaining the age of 18.
An alien applying for relief under this bill shall: (1) register under the Military Selective Service Act if so required, (2) undergo a medical examination, (3) submit biometric and biographic data, and (4) complete security and law enforcement background checks.

DHS shall under specified circumstances terminate or extend the conditional nonimmigrant status of an alien who is at least 18 years old.

A conditional nonimmigrant may file an application to adjust his or her status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence during a specified period.

An alien who adjusts to permanent resident status may apply for naturalization upon compliance with all immigration law requirements.
  • 스티븐조 변호사
    09.25.2017 22:38:00  


    죄송하지만 이러한 법 발의안들이 너무 많아 도저히 제가 모두 읽을수 없습니다. 사실 그럴 필요가 없구요. 왜냐하면 대부분 법으로 만들어지지 않기 때문입니다. 그리고 설사 법으로 만들어 진다면 그때가서 검토해도 전혀 늦지 않기 때문입니다. 기다려 주시길 바랍니다.

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