미혼남녀 3명 중 1명은 정치성향 다른 이성 안 만난다.
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서로 통하는 게 많으면 좋은 남녀관계!
그렇다면 정치성향은 어떨까?
결혼정보회사선우 부설 한국결혼문화연구소는 자사남녀회원 666명(남성 415명, 여성 252명)을 대상으로 설문조사를 했다.
질문은 2가지이다.
본인의 정치성향, 호감을 갖고 만나는 이성이 본인과 정반대의 정치성향이라면 만날 것인가이다.
미혼남녀들은 어떤 답변을 했을까?
전체 응답자의 67%가 “만난다”고 답했다.
재미있는 것은 정치성향이 정반대인 이성을 만나지 않겠다고 답한 남녀가 33%, 즉, 3명 중 1명이었다는 사실이다.
남녀 각각의 비율을 보면, “만난다”고 답한 남성이 75%인데 비해, 여성은 56%로 20% 정도 차이가 났다.
즉, 정치성향이 정반대인 이성을 만나지 않겠다는 여성이 남성보다 더 많다는 것이다.
참고로 전체 응답자의 정치성향을 보면 진보는 37%, 보수는 18%, 그리고 나머지 45%는 어느 쪽도 아니라고 답했다.
정치성향이 남녀관계에 영향을 준다는 것은 그만큼 서로의 생각을 존중하라는 것!!
The unmarried singles do not associate with partners who have different political viewpoints.
It is important to have a certain likes and dislikes of foods. It is also important to have sort of common hobbies.
In male-female meeting, it is better to have more things in common. If it is so, what about the political viewpoint?
The Korean Marriage and Culture Institute, a subsidiary of the marriage information company Sunoo Inc., surveyed 666 men and women (415 males and 252 females). Only 2 kinds of questions were asked.
If you have potential partners who have an opposite political viewpoint from yours, will you meet her/him?
67% of those surveyed responded “yes.”
The important point is that 33% of those responded “no.” In other words, 1 in every 3 persons opposed meeting with those who have opposite political viewpoints. In males, 75% replied that they would have meeting with those who have opposite political viewpoint, while 56% of females replied that they would meet. Hence, the difference between sexes is about 20% point.
The survey data showed that more females do not like to meet those who have opposite political viewpoint than males do. For reference, the political leaning of the surveyed were 37% liberal, 18% conservative, and the remaining 45% neutral or not leaning to any one side.
The fact that the political viewpoint influences the male-female meeting indicates that one need respect the other’s viewpoint.