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Korean women care mens character as the next most important matter when they choose their spouse!

글쓴이: sunwoo  |  등록일: 11.05.2018 09:26:16  |  조회수: 2859


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9-Korean women care men’s character as the next most important matter

when they choose their spouse!



“I had to divorce because of the personality difference.”

“We married because we quite get along each other.”

Celebs tend to address like these when they expose

their grounds for divorce and marriage.


“Character” can be a factor making people marry and divorce,

which means the character hugely impacts the relationship between husband and wife,

and even relationships outside of one’s marriage.


How much do Korean women care men’s character

when they choose their spouse?


Couple.net of Sunoo, the matchmaking company, for the last ten years,

surveyed 41,381 single men of Couple.net members from 121 countries including Korea (34,693 Korean and 6,688 non-Korean) to find men’s preference on spouse.


The survey firstly analyzes the matching preferences and presents the four criteria:

financial status, physical appearance, family background, and character.

The total number of these four criteria is 100,

 and these four criteria tell us how much men care for each criterion.


According to the result of the survey,


Korean women care men’s financial status 36.2% > character 25.7% > family background 19.8% > physical appearance 18.3% which tells us the character goes to the 2ndplace.


How about the result of non-Korean women? Non-Korean women care men’s financial status 30.8% > character 28% > physical appearance 22% > family background 19.3%, as in the result of Korean women’s, non-Korean women also care men’s character.


Even if Korean women’s ratio (25.7%) is lower than non-Korean women’s ratio (28%), the two groups share the common priority: women care men’s character as the next most important matter followed by men’s financial status.



Global Love Story
for Korean Singles


♥미국거주 한국계-편안한 대화상대 이성과의 데이트♥

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