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What happened to a single woman enjoying her beautiful single life after 25 years

글쓴이: sunwoo  |  등록일: 11.06.2018 17:54:57  |  조회수: 3905

<There is no beautiful single life>


2. What happened to a single woman enjoying her beautiful single life after 25 years?

Looking back those days when I was young,

I remember my father used to go to funeral quite often in cold days like this.

At that time, I just thought ‘someone passed away again.’

But as I grew up and got older, I recognized life and death differently.

Three of my acquaintances are sick. One of the three is a lady in her mid-sixty.

Recently I made a phone call to her, and her nephew received the phone and said she had a stroke.

The nephew said she was in ICU and now is doing well after the treatment.

I knew she was all alone, so I felt sorry for her.

25 years ago, I met her first when she was in her late thirty.

She was raised in an affluent family in Gyeongsang Province.

She graduated one of the prestigious colleges and was enjoying her career.

She practiced kendo and equestrian; literally, she was an original “Gold miss.”

She was not satisfied with the dating arrangements at that time.

I could not get in touch with her anymore after that.

She wanted to take some time to find the right person by herself. But last year,

she contacted me after she read my column.

She, after 25 years, became an old lady in her sixty.

Still, she was single yet needed not to worry about her life (she maintained her financial status).

Saying that she was now lonely, she asked me “would there still be someone I can date?”

I said “most men have children, and marriage might be complicated.

Perhaps we can find someone who can be your friend.” She agreed.

For the six months, she could not find anyone.

Recently I found a decent gentleman who was in his early seventy and

 called her to introduce him to her.

But she could not even answer my call.

Now, there is no one around her. Granted she has her brothers and sisters.

But they cannot always be with her. Best friends leave eventually.

But marriage lasts forever as a man and a woman become one family.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that marriage is always happy and perfect.

But security that “I am not all alone” and a sound of breathing that tells you “

there is someone next to me (especially when you go through a hard time)”

gives you immense relief.

Are you single? I want you to think about you who are now old and sick 20, 30 years later.


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