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[Marriage for Korean Singles] Analysis of 47,000 couples '5 Commandments to succeed in marriage

글쓴이: sunwoo  |  등록일: 02.13.2025 16:47:17  |  조회수: 386

Couple.net by Sunoo, a matchmaking service company has produced over 47,000 married (dating) couples over the past 30 years. This provides sufficient data to suggest the know-how in successful relationships. Of course, there are other variables to this data, and this doesn’t apply to everybody. Nevertheless, the outcome of this data is applicable for most couples. Adding to this reliable data, the experience of couple managers in successful marriage will be revealed.

1. A spouse who meets half of your expectations is good enough.

If a person meets 2 or 3 out of 5 or 6 of your expectations (age, career, education etc.) you should consider marrying that person.

It is difficult to meet someone who meets all your expectations.

2. Capable men & good-looking women

Between women who are older but pretty and women who are younger but ugly, men prefer older but pretty women. The chance of getting married increases for women if they take care of their appearance well as they get older. Men must have financial capabilities more than the appearance to increase their chances of getting married. 

3. Meet at least three times or more

Some people show their charms as you get to know them more, and some have a great first impression but disappoint you as you get to know them more. Unless you think someone is absolutely not good for you, its better to meet someone at least three times before making a decision. 

4. Family environment rather than personality 

Those who are successful in marriage tend to place more importance on family environment, while those who aren’t as successful in marriage place more importance on personality. Mostly we don’t know what types of personality are compatible with our own. If you have a similar family environment and upbringing, most likely your values and personalities turn out similar. Therefore, you will have a good connection with that person. 

5. Meeting 1-3 people

Marriage partners should be chosen carefully and wisely. It is advisable to meet several people prior to choosing one to marry. 

Couple.net CEO / WoongJin Lee 

♥ Since 1991, Couple.net ♥


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