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[Marriage for Korean Singles] What hinders singles from getting married?

글쓴이: sunwoo  |  등록일: 02.02.2025 18:48:27  |  조회수: 252
The most common response from women was ‘Because I’m used to living alone.’ followed by ‘because there is no one I like’, ‘the burden of childbirth and raising children’, ‘because I am old’, and ‘because I lack confidence’.

The answers from men were pretty much the same as women’s. Of course, the most common reason was ‘I’m used to living alone.’ followed by ‘Because there is no one I like,’ ‘The burden of childbirth and raising children,’ ‘Gave up naturally as I got older,’ and ‘Because of financial problems.’

The answer that stood out the most is, ‘Because I’m used to living alone.’
The modern society trend has a big impact on singles giving up on marriage, but getting too comfortable with living alone also makes it more difficult and awkward for singles to think of living with someone else. That is the disadvantage of being alone comfortably for so long.

A single woman in her 50s started dating a man. As the relationship became more intimate, she started spending more time at his place or he would come to her place. When she sleeps over at his place, she often had a hard to falling asleep. It felt awkward and uncomfortable for her sharing a bed with someone.  
This shows that being alone became her lifestyle and habit. On the other hand, breaking away from the lifestyle and habits you have accustomed to while living alone is another way to get married.

Another reason for giving up on marriage was ‘because they couldn’t find anyone they liked.’ It gets harder to find someone you like as you get older since you tend to judge others with your own experience. You need to admit that you are a beginner in marriage even if you are older with more experience in life. You can’t be picky with what you have seen or heard from others. 
Most answers for both men and women were the same except one, for women, it was ‘lack of confidence’ and for men, it was ‘financial problems.’

It is natural that your confidence decreases as you get older. It is common to think that no one will like me since I am old however, you can continue to look younger by taking a good care of yourself. It is important to take good skin care and keep a bright facial expression. 

Some men worry about financial burden of marriage but actually, you save more money as a couple than being alone since the responsibility you have for your family prevents you from unnecessary spending and makes you do more rational spending. You double your happiness and money, this is the miracle of marriage. 

Couple.net CEO / WoongJin Lee 

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