A few years ago...

글쓴이: Telix5000  |  등록일: 12.25.2015 12:44:18  |  조회수: 1196
I met this Korean woman who was stranded in Koreatown two years ago with my friend. She had been living in cafes and hanging out in the mall everyday. She must of been stuck for a week or two. She talked crazy, but I figured this was just her character and nothing more. We gave her a ride across the street and I didn't think much of it.

The next day, she called my friend. Now she was stuck in Torrance; which is quite a distance from Koreatown when you have no car. I am not sure how she got there, but she needed a ride. By the time I got ready to go with my friend she was now in Downtown Los Angeles. We figured this was just a crazy person.

We ate at a store across the mall and the owner told us she was just a woman who needed to go to church to solve her problems. At this point I was convinced it had to be mental issues. I am not sure why every store basically ignored her, especially on Christmas, and did nothing to help her.

Finally, later that night she called my friend again and we found her in a cafe off Wilshire. This time, all of her belongings she carried were gone. She looked pretty bad and she said someone stole all her things (laptop, clothes, bags, etc.) -- she was borrowing a cell phone to call my friend. We got her some coffee and my friend was talking to her trying to calm her down. She borrowed his cell phone and called some guy; in the middle of the conversation she started screaming that he raped her -- then she started crying hysterically.

I went outside to have a smoke as this was getting stressful. I saw a few cops on bicycles so I told them what was happening. They said they would go in and talk to her. Now things were getting intense.

I could see her posting on Facebook like a crazy person and guys showing up at the cafe to "help her", though I think it may have been prostitution. I am not sure exactly, I don't understand how else someone could be living like that for weeks in Koreatown with nowhere to sleep. It is the only logical explanation.

On her Facebook it had a number for a dry cleaner that it said she worked at. A quiet man answered the phone and asked me if I had found his daughter. I said I believe so and gave him the address. The parents said to stay around the area, but they were driving in from San Diego. Now my friend and I were stuck in Koreatown longer than I had expected.

The police tried to help her but she kept talking crazy. I went down the street to have a drink and wait. I didn't want to hang out there and just wait now that it was very clear she was crazy and the cops couldn't help her anyhow.

Finally the parents show up, but now it's really late. They go over to pick her up but now she says she wants to spend one more night in Koreatown. They relent and get her the next day. They call my friend to tell him thanks and that's it.

But the story doesn't end there.

The father was happy to have his daughter home for New Years. They kept her in the house and got her some help. They were religious so they relied on the church and other assistance.

In a few months she killed herself.

The reason I write this is a warning to all of you; don't just ignore sick people. Try to get them help any way you can. People should not be raped on Christmas and left like an animal in a cafe like a piece of garbage.

Help others, you may buy them a few more months time, you may help them get a whole lifetime.

When I heard the news I felt as though my friend and I failed, but in retrospect, others failed. They did nothing to help this person.

I am about to have coffee like I do on Christmas. If someone needs someone to talk to, reach out. If someone looks like they need someone to talk to, try to be their friend.

Thank you for your time and Merry Christmas.
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