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글쓴이: Lonelyrock  |  등록일: 05.22.2024 15:59:29  |  조회수: 131
미국 전지역 
직원수 15명 이하 
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고액의 구인글, 특히 여성 집사, 가정부, 간병인을 구하는 글도 절대 피하시기 바랍니다.
본 글은 라디오코리아 구인 게시판에 게제된 내용입니다.
돌연사(突然死)나 급사( 急 死)를 사전에 응급상태를 발견 하여 응급쎈터 로 이송,생명을 구하는 비접촉 Radar sensor 와 software 를 세계최초로 개발하여 기기의 판매및 說치 본사 software 를 이용한 platform service 를 Amazon cloud 연계 하여 입원자 및 도움주는 function 임. 미국 전지역 에  SALES BRANCH  운영 할자  (x명) 과DIFFERENT STYLE sales CONSULTANT(x명) 접수후  통보함 관심있는 분은 간단한 자기소개서 와 이력서를 999propertygroup@gmail.com 으로 보내 주세요

아래서비스 사용성 평가는  대한민국 부촌인 강남구에 가구당 3 UNIT 설치 운용한 강남구청 복지과장 이수현 의 사용성 평가입니다. 아래기사는  NEW YORK STATE 의 설치후 신문기사 발췌 입니다 (you can see product “mckare”through YouTube)

뉴욕주노인국, 50만달러 예산 지원

지난 26일 뉴욕주정부 저소득층 독거노인 생활지원을 위한 RADAR SENSDOR  보급사업 발표장에서 론
김 뉴욕주하원의원(왼쪽 3번째)과 민간위탁기업인xxx USA 의 xxx(왼쪽 5번째) 대표 등이함께 자리했다
본평가결과는 Wynn hotel group  의 요구에 의하여 작성 제출됨 90% 이상 이  평점 5점, 단 *주변 업무
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                              Service testimonials of Mckare Radar sensor

Service Company JFC technology INC (Korea)                                          CEO Jin Kim                                       
                                          Eagle technology Inc (United States)                   CEO Tom Seo

CONTENTS health monitoring and real-time emergency notification

            Service testimonials 1. Establishment of accident prevention management and single-person household emergency response system
The risk level was determined through telephone advertising and home visits to seniors living in single-person households living near welfare centers, and Mckare installation was carried out. After installation, we first predict crisis situations through the platform and establish a system to respond quickly in the event of an emergency.

1) Platform monitoring
- Crisis situation notification: Monitor heartbeat abnormalities, breathing abnormalities, and falls through sensors, and quickly confirm through the alarm function on the platform when an emergency situation occurs.
- Long-term absence notification: Absence time is checked within the platform, allowing monitoring if the elderly are out for a long time or are absent for a long period of time.

2) Emergency response system
- Division of work within the institution: (Control Center) platform monitoring staff, (Case Support Team) crisis intervention staff for each subject, thereby increasing work efficiency.
- Platform monitoring: A platform monitoring officer is appointed during welfare center operating hours to regularly monitor crisis situations for subjects.
- Abnormal signal occurrence
① When an abnormal signal occurs through platform monitoring, relevant information is immediately conveyed to the person in charge of crisis intervention.
② The crisis intervention manager confirms the safety of the subject through the first phone call.
③ If the subject does not answer the phone, check their safety through a home visit.
- Confirmation of crisis situation: Depending on the crisis situation of the subject, 119 or family members are contacted and crisis intervention is carried out.

2. Expand the number of daily monitoring subjects and increase work efficiency
- Before introducing Mckare: 3 personnel conduct safety monitoring for an average of 3 to 5 seniors per person per day. (Average number of subjects that can be monitored per day: 9 to 15) Safety monitoring is conducted by wire. If a wired connection is not available, safety is confirmed through a home visit or phone call.
- After introducing Mckare: Safety monitoring for an average of 25 seniors per day is possible with 4 attendants. (Average number of subjects that can be monitored per day: 100) Safety monitoring is conducted according to the ‘Emergency Response System’ written above.

3. Minimize management gaps
- Before introducing the solution, each person in charge would make inquiries by phone or by visiting the person’s home during business hours.
Although strong confirmation was required, real-time target management is possible through the platform (check occupancy status)
and health status check). * However, separate manpower is required for emergency response outside of business hours.
- The platform can be accessed using a PC, tablet, or mobile phone, making it possible to monitor subjects regardless of time and place.

4. Providing psychological stability to the elderly
- Most of the elderly people installed by Mckare have physical and cognitive difficulties. Because they live alone, they were highly anxious about not being able to receive help even if they collapsed or fell at home due to an underlying condition.
- Through the installation of Mckare, they expressed satisfaction because they felt secure that emergency response would be possible even if such risks or difficulties arise.


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